Usage of the solver:

./open-wbo [options] <input-file>


The following options are available in Open-WBO:

-verbosity = {0,1}

 Verbosity level (0=minimal, 1=more) (default: 1)

-algorithm = {0,1,2,3,4,5}

 Algorithm strategy (0=wbo,1=linear-su,2=msu3,3=part-msu3,4=oll,5=best) (default: 5)

-bmo, -no-bmo

 BMO search (default: on)

-pb = {0,1}

  Pseudo-Boolean encodings (0=SWC,1=GTE) (default: 1)

-amo = {0}

  At-most-one encodings (0=ladder) (default: 0)

-cardinality = {0,1,2}

 Cardinality encodings (0=cardinality networks, 1=totalizer, 2=modulo totalizer) (default: 1)

The following options are available when using the wbo algorithm:

-weight-strategy = {0,1,2}

 Weight strategy (0=none, 1=weight-based, 2=diversity-based) (default: 2)

-symmetry, -no-symmetry

 Symmetry breaking (default: on)

-symmetry-limit = <num>

 Limit on the number of symmetry breaking clauses (default: 500000)

The following options are available when using the PartMSU3 algorithm:

-graph-type = {0,1,2}

 Graph type (0=vig, 1=cvig, 2=res) (default: 2)

-partition-strategy = {0,1,2}

 Partition strategy (0=sequential, 1=sequential-sorted, 2=binary) (default: 2)

Input format and benchmarks:

Benchmarks and description of solver input files are available at the webpages of solver evaluations.

MaxSAT evaluation:

Pseudo-Boolean evaluation: